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       Clean with Green

Welcome to Kleen-Touch

The Green and Safe way to Clean your home or business

Kleen-TouchAt Kleen-Touch, we care about the earth, people on the earth and the unsafe cleaning chemicals that are placed into our lives, our childrens lives and in our homes and offices.   Watch this TV Video to learn about all the UNSAFE products.

TV Channel 5 News

Unsafe Products at Home and Office most people don't know

Most people are unaware they are using household cleaning chemicals which are Unsafe to their helth, their bodies, their children and the earth.   Just because the are well known brands advertised, people assume they are safe to use.  Commercial Cleaning Supplies contain Thousands of harmful chemicals that cause Brain Disease, Stroke, Cancer and even death.  They destroy the environment and they costs 10 times more than safe cleaning supplies!

Cases of cancer, death and harm to children and pets all have occurred, all too often.  Exposure to these TOXIC chemicals when used over time are very serious and cause very harmful toxic reactions to your body.   In addition, the aerosols release toxic gases and destroy the earth and the ozone layers and are also harmful to  us, our children, our pets and harmful to the earth.  And if all that is not enough, we pay a premium amount of money to use these harmful toxic over the shelf cleaning products which costs 10 times more than safe cleaners.  You will not only save your health from using safer products but you will also save money.  The savings generated from using safe products are also good for the economy.    A new direction has to be taken and the consumer must be educated on the dangers of using commercial products and the benefits of the knowledge of Kleen-Touch Non-Toxic Healthy Green Cleaning Kits.


As with most problems, education is key to the success.   People must be made aware of the dangers of using ordinary household cleaning chemicals.  The cleaning chemical companies do not care about your health, your children and your pets.   They care about making mass amounts of money selling these unsafe products by the truckload  that are damaging your health, your children's health, your pets and our earth.  In fact, that is why they charge you 10 TIMES the amount of money it would cost if you used the knowledge learned in our Green Cleaning Kits.  Not Only would you save your health, your childrens health and your pets health, You would also save 10 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF MONEY TOO!    Please take a moment to read about our SAFE GREEN Cleaning Kits which will teach you everything you need to know.








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